🔌 • 2500x: a terrible, new image format - chron·ic·piz·za


[08.21.2020] // #tech

🔌 • 2500x: a terrible, new image format

this says it all

I made a website that converts any image you give it into an array of <p> tags. It is not useful, and very slow.


Because then you can do all sorts of funny things to the image with arbitrary CSS properties.

look at the knobs!

How does it work?

 1// Create html text for 2500x image
 2const create2500xImage = (canvas) => {
 3    var htmlOut = "";
 4    const imageData = canvas
 5        .getContext("2d")
 6        .getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
 8    for (let y = 0; y < canvas.height; y++) {
 9        var row = "";
10        for (let x = 0; x < canvas.width; x++) {
11            const color = getPixelXY(imageData, x, y);
12            row += `<p style='color:rgb(${color[0]},${color[1]},${color[2]})'>.</p>`;
13        }
14        htmlOut += `<div>${row}</div>`;
15    }
17    return htmlOut;
I hate this

It traverses an image pixel by pixel, reads each pixel’s rgb value, and concatenates a <p> tag with the same rgb value. The website limits this to images of some fixed, “reasonable”, resolution, since doing this on larger images pretty much guarantees that rendering the HTML will crash your browser, which I’ve heard is bad UX.

• 🔌