🌊 • alone in point·reyes
up over dry hills into ocean-soaked forest with my pack, heavy with peanut butter plastic, cheese and cameras
fattened birds line dirt paths, tunnels of perfect green, sopping wet moss and things rotting
dim blue light, rolling waves on the cusp of the evening, sand and rocks alone, ancient and worn
standing cold in the dark, the sky spins overhead and boats blink far away on the horizon
a raccoon tries stealing my dinner
gear / method:
nikon d3400 DSLR & tripod with:
- 1.8 35mm (fast prime, my baby!)
- 3.5/5.6 16-85mm (general purpose zoom, doubles as barbell because it weighs more than the 35mm and d3400 combined), used with polarizing filter for high contrast landscapes
- 4/5.6 70-300mm (also heavy; I only used this once. not sure why I brought it)
most images were shot with the 35mm. wide angle shots were achieved by taking horizontally tracking shots with the 35mm on a tripod and stitching them together with autostitch.
this allowed me to take wide-angle shots like “long, moss, lichens” while still having substantial background blurring. these shots are my favorite.